Nicola Bizzo

Outras informações
NICOLA BIZZO took a degree in History of Music at Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy) in 2003 and collaborates since then with the “Istituto per i beni musicali in Piemonte”, a musical association with many links and cooperation with Ridim. Music composer, his studies vary from classical iconographical fonts to contemporary popular music, including many new ways of communications as videoclip and album covers. He collaborated in many conferences around the world as a Queen expert and is now member of the NIM/CESEM study group for the University of Lisbon. He is part of the IASPM (International Association for the Study of Popular Music) for which he wrote some articles and he is a member for the AISS (Italian Association for the Study of Semiotic). He published several papers in well-known international journals such as “Music in Art” and other books available in the Italian market. He created and developed with regular updates the site with the scan of hundreds of Queen related items.
– Ut musica pictura / a cura di Cristina Santarelli. – Torino : Istituto per i beni musicali in Piemonte : Regione Piemonte, Assessorato alla cultura (2010)
– Parole nell’aria. Sincretismi fra musica e altri linguaggi. ETS (2009)
– Music in Art (International Journal for Music Iconography). Vol. XXXII, no 1-2 ? (Spring-Fall 2007), New York City