Ivan Moody

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Ivan Moody studied music and theology at the Universities of London, Joensuu and York (where he took his Ph.D). He studied composition with Brian Dennis, Sir John Tavener and William Brooks. His music has been performed and broadcast all over the world, and he has been commissioned and performed by many of the world’s most outstanding performers. His largest works to date include Passion and Resurrection (1992), the Akathistos Hymn (1998), Qohelet (2013) and Vespers Sequence (2016), and recent compositions include Piano Book (2020) and Concierto Narrativo for soprano saxophone and string orchestra (2021).
Formerly Professor of Church Music at the University of Eastern Finland, he is currently a research fellow at CESEM – Universidade Nova in Lisbon, Portugal and Co-ordinator of the Contemporary Music Group, and an Affiliated Artist/Scholar at the Institute of Sacred Arts (St Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary, New York). As a musicologist he has published widely on the music of the Iberian Peninsula, Russia and the Balkans, contemporary sacred music, and music and theology. His book, Modernism and Orthodox Spirituality in Contemporary Music, was published in 2014. Since then he has edited the volumes Aspects of Christian Culture in Byzantium and Eastern Christianity. Word, Sound and Image in the Context of Liturgical and Christian Symbolism (co-edited with Sara Vesna Peno, Belgrade/Joensuu: SASA/ISOCM, 2017), Enlightenment and Illumination. Essays on Sacred Music East and West (Prague: Charles University 2019), Orthodoxy, Music, Politics and Art in Russia and Eastern Europe (co-edited with Ivana Medić, London/Belgrade: Centre for Russian Music, Goldsmiths, University of London/Institute of Musicology, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 2020) and The Life and Work of Rudolf Bruči – The Composer in the Rift between Aesthetics and Ideologies (co-edited with Ivana Medić, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021).
He is Editor of the Journal of the International Society for Orthodox Church Music and Co-Editor of the Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia, and is Chairman of the International Society for Orthodox Church Music and Chairman of the Music Panel for the International Orthodox Theological Association.
(Editor with Vesna Sara Peno) Aspects of Christian Culture in Byzantium and Eastern Christianity: Word, Sound and Image in the Context of Liturgical and Christian Symbolism, Joensuu/Belgrade: ISOCM/SANU, 2017 ISBN 978-86-80639-29-1/978-952-99883-7-2
Modernism and Orthodox Spirituality in Contemporary Music, Joensuu/Belgrade: ISOCM/SASA, 2014. ISBN 978-952-99883-4-1
Peer-reviewed articles:
“Four Portuguese Minimalists? Iberian Reflections”, in Tempo 71 (282) (2017), 29-40. DOI: 10.1017/S0040298217000596
“The Invention of Tradition: Balkan and Mediterranean Perspectives in 20th-Century Opera”, in Зборник Матице Српске за сценске уметности и муѕику 56, (2017), 29-41
Book Chapter:
“Chant and Art” in Vesna Sara Peno and Ivan Moody, eds., Aspects of Christian Culture in Byzantium and Eastern Christianity: Word, Sound, and Image in the context of liturgical and Christian symbolism, Belgrade/Joensuu: SASA/ISOCM 2017 ISBN 978-86-80639-29-1/978-952-99883-7-2.