Rui Pereira Jorge

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Rui Pereira Jorge is a postdoctoral researcher at CESEM (Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music). He holds a PhD in Philosophy of Music and Technology, a MA in Communication Studies and a Graduation degree in Philosophy. He has musical education (organ, trumpet) and training in editing and sound production, with work done as a musician and sound designer for more than 20 years. His approach to music making is informed by the use of digital and analogue instruments and studio tools, and has been involved in several projects including creating music for films, music for children, electronic music and sound experimentation. Parallel to this activity, he has conducted research on sound, music and aesthetics. With published articles and participation in national and international conferences, he also teaches on aesthetics, musicology and sound editing.
Jorge, Rui P. 2016. “O Pêndulo de Reich: Desaceleração Intensiva”, Interact, 22-23: 1 – 5.
Jorge, Rui P; Pires, Isabel. 2015. Musical Virtual Instruments and Auditory Perception: Some Issues. In Inter-Face: International Conference on Live Interfaces, ed. Sá, Adriana; Carvalhais, Miguel; McLean, Alex, 37 – 44. Porto: Universidade do Porto.
Jorge, Rui P; Pires, Isabel. 2015. “Le Son intra et extra-musical : l’importance de l’espace dans 4’33’’ de John Cage et Synaphaï de Iannis Xenakis”, Filigrane: Musique, Esthétique, Sciences, Société, 18: online – online.
Jorge, Rui P. R. P. 2012. “Krapp’s Last Tape de Samuel Beckett e a Construção de Narrativas”, Cibercultura e Ficção, 1: 109 – 117.